Ignoring the “should’s”

I “should” be doing some housework, it’s Spring after all. Or making something nutritious for dinner, including at least 5+ vegetables to avoid scurvy and malnutrition. But instead, I have been quilting.

This quilt has reached the stage where I have become impatient to finish it, and that is driving me on. The flying geese seemed to take an age, and the little pile of offcuts has had to be moved several times, as it outgrew its spot, and toppled over. Maybe the stitch and flip method wasn’t such a good idea, as I cannot bear to throw all those little triangles away, but can’t for the life of me figure out what I shall do with them. Especially since I already have a pile from the Gypsy Wife quilts.P1070260

I was going to make this quilt for the sofa back, to replace a quilt gifted to me, but which I have never liked. To that end it made sense to make it a rectangular shape, rather than a square. But as every border was added, it  cried out to be made symmetrical. And now it is too big.

I want to use up some more scraps before I call it a day, so I think I will add one more pieced border. My plan is to sew small strips of purple/black/grey together, then maybe add a final border strip of the Riley Blake black and grey spot. Lastly, I shall embroider the orange petal blocks before quilting, since I miss having some handwork to do in the evenings.

I got some quilting and embroidery ideas from the latest addition to my bookshelf, “1000 Quilt Inspirations” by Sandra Sider. A very inspirational read, with enough quilt inspiration to last several lifetimes.6102068Ay8L._SX487_BO1,204,203,200_

Have a fun week, and if you are a Kiwi, enjoy the sunshine for the next day or two.

Linking up with Scraptastic Tuesday, WIP Wednesday and Lets Bee Social.

11 thoughts on “Ignoring the “should’s”

  1. Your quilt top is looking wonderful. I’ve never made orange peel blocks, but I do like to use the stitch and flip method for flying geese blocks. And yes, I’m enjoying the sunshine here in Levin, even sat outside enjoying the fresh air, and watching the silver eye birds nibbling on an apple which was pierced though the core on to the bird feeder.
    Roll on Summer, I say!


  2. This is a stunning quilt – it really caught my eye. It will be gorgeous on a bed, no worries that it’s too big for the couch. However – I would not add one more thing – it’s perfect as it is.


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