A quick catch up…

It’s Saturday, it’s July, and I’m trying not to think about how far through the year we have already come. How? Time does seem to fly by as you get older.2016 button 250 best

Anyway, I have a quick finish to share from my first quarter FAL List. Yes, I know I am running three months late. Unfortunately that means I won’t be entering into the FAL competition, since I didn’t post a list at the start of the quarter.

This quilt used up the “made fabric” I created back at the start of the year, after reading Victoria Findlay-Wolfe’s book on 15 minutes of play. I used all my blue scraps to create 6 1/2 inch squares, which I then chopped in half diagonally, and sewed to some brown solid fabric I had in the stash. At that stage I put it away, not really liking the end result.

Playing with pieces on the floor of the bach.

I took the squares to Taupo with me, and put them at the top of the pile to work on.

After crawling around on the floor, playing with the squares, Chevrons appeared to work. So, chevrons they became.IMG_0133

I decided to approach the quilting as if the colours were land, sky and sun peeking through. This meant angular lines for the brown, and more fluid lines for the blue. It took two days of quilting in between trips to Taupo and Hamilton to investigate craft and fabric shops, and frequent trips into Turangi for food (so I did’t have to cook on my little retreat), but it was completed before I left.IMG_0145

I didn’t need a quilt of this size (lap size) in these colours, so it became a charity quilt and has been sent off.

Another quilt down, and just a few to go.

My time is still being spent embroidering the My Small World quilt, so not much to show for a lot of hours work. It’s a great way to spend a cold day though, so I am quite content stitching away.

Have a great week.

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts.

3 thoughts on “A quick catch up…

  1. Next time you are starved for fabric while at the bach…..come through to Rotorua. We have a great quilt shop, a wool shop that sells hand dyed fabric as well as Italian and other wools, also a good Spotlight and a Morelands. Plus plenty of cafe’s. And then there’s me too!


  2. I almost went to Rotorua instead of Hamilton, but I had arranged to meet one of the people who works at our local Morelands, on the day she was working in Hamilton. Apparently PN Morelands sells more quilt fabric than the other branches, so she was visiting head office to persuade them to stock us with more quilt related products.
    I have heard your quilt shop is quite fantastic, so next time I will head in your direction. Probably the end of the year, or springtime, providing my friends don’t sell their bach.
    Thanks for the invite.


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